Erectile Dysfunction is a medical problem that affects men. It can lead to poor sleep, lack of sexual desire and a number of other problems. There are many medications that can help to treat this condition.
Fildena 100 pills are a type of medicine that is used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. The drug is used to increase blood flow to the penis and helps a man get a better erection during sexual stimulation.
It is a medication that belongs to the PDE-5 inhibitor family and works by increasing the flow of blood into the erectile tissues of the penis during sexual activity. It is very effective for a majority of men who have erectile dysfunction.
Taking Fildena 150 pill is safe as long as you follow the instructions provided by your doctor. You should only take it 30 minutes to four hours before sexual activity.
This medication should not be taken if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant or are breastfeeding. It also should not be used by people who have a heart problem, stroke or high cholesterol levels.
If you have a history of chest pain, dizziness or nausea after taking Fildena 120, contact your care team immediately. These symptoms may be a sign of a serious problem and need to be treated right away to avoid permanent damage.
Fildena 200 is contraindicated for men who have had a heart attack or other serious cardiovascular problems. It should also not be used in men who have diabetes, hypertension or a kidney disorder.